Internship at Gehring

posted on June 29, 2018

Hello my name is Jeylen and I had a one-week internship at Gehring! From day one I had a look at the different departments and areas of the company. I received hands-on experience right away.

At my first day, I could grind, drill and work with different pieces in the training area. It was very exciting and interesting.

Jeylen legt die Backen ein

I was particularly impressed by the grinding and turning of the Esslinger Tower! Of course, I am also happy that I can keep this as a memory of my educational internship at Gehring.

Der fertig gedrehte Esslinger Turm

Naturally, I was also allowed to get first impressions of the measuring room, where the honed motors were checked for roundness and straightness and were measured accordingly.

My last internship day was spent in the marketing department. I could design the career website and the advertisement management. The atmosphere in marketing was very nice and gave me a valuable experience that can help me in my future.

As you can see, there is a lot of work to do at Gehring - from technical tasks to marketing. If you are also interested in an internship or vacation job at Gehring, you are welcome to apply at any time.

Here are the job offers