Tooling System Series TN/TS

Suitable for the most varied applications

Proven precision

The multiple-stone honing tools of the TN/TS series distinguish themselves by their wide range of application. This series, tried and trusted for many years, is used for the honing of bores with a diameter range of 5–1,000 mm.

Your benefits

Profit from successfully tried and tested components with longevity and short delivery times. Suitable for the most varied of applications, the TN/TS series covers a wide range of diameters – an additional customer benefit in respect of economy in the application.

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Technical highlights

The design of the TN/TS series enables the machining of through and blind bores and meets today’s quality requirements in the most varied of applications. Due to the solid construction of the tooling system, a wide range of diameters can be covered with just one honing tool, a characteristic that is of particular benefit to small-scale series production. These tools are hardened and precision-ground in all key functional areas and are thus unsurpassed in their precision. Therefore, they guarantee the best possible bore geometries and surfaces. On demand, further technical information is available on a technical data sheet.


Typical areas of application

Besides its universal applicability in a wide range of applications, cylinder tube processing is the most common area of application.

Tooling Rework

Continuous professional tooling rework increases the life cycle of your honing tools and guarantees optimal process reliability. Reduce your tooling costs by preventive maintenance and profit from our wealth of experience.

Whether Gehring or third party - we will rework your honing tools back to optimal condition. Your benefits are clear.

Tooling Rework